Podcasts and Donation buttons

I am now producing 2 podcasts:

1) Interviews with Notable New Orleans Musicians- is my original podcast of long form interviews and oral histories with many of the fascinating musicians and related artists of New Orleans. There was a layoff of some time but now it is back in earnest. A couple segments of interview with drummer, Carlo Nuccio just went up and, in the next day or so there will be a form interview with all round musician/writer/poet and Bazouki player, Beth Patterson. This podcast has been going for 10 years now

2) The Double MacGuffin Film Podcast-with Henry Griffin. These are conversations/ reviews about interesting movies. Again here, for life reasons there has been a two year layoff. We are back to it and there will be one coming up on the films Safe and Silent Running. This podcast has been running for 3 years and this site is taking over the hosting from Nolascape where it has been for a couple of years.

I host another:

… and record and edit a 3rd podcast for The Banjo Studio. So far we have interviewed Ryan Cavanaugh, Danny Barnes, Kurt Rosenwinkel, and Mary Gauthier. We have two more immediately in the works and they are all very interesting.

The Banjo Studio is run by David Bandrowski, who also produces the podcasts so check those out.

All of this is some work and I have done it asking nothing— but you will now find across the website donation buttons like this functional one here…


I appreciate the support for any of this and my work in composition, film, music, recording to keep the operations going.

So, if you feel that you get anything from large amount of content on this site, donations would really help the cause.
