Check out the interview with purple witch of Culver.

Interesting name, don’t you think. This is a fairly new project based in Los Angeles with two very interesting people, Evan Taylor and Sarah Safaie. They have been putting out about one new single a month. Available on their band camp page

Purple Witch Culver

Purple Witch Culver

Complete 4 part interview with Beth Patterson

The Interviews with Notable New Orleans musicians is back as previously mentioned.

All 4 episodes of an interview with Beth Patterson are now up.

She is hard to summarize since her talents are wide ranging and include writing and having published novels and poetry. There is a great deal of knowledge and thought on a lot of things. As well as this she is a killer performer in many languages and styles, as well as the performance of her prolific output of songs of her own.

Anyway, it’s all very interesting and she has a lot of thinking, ideas, and experiences that go into and come out in her art. Check out her ideas in this 4 part podcast.






Conversation with creative drummer, Dave Capello

I always feel that more people should know about one of the most individual voices on drums in New Orleans.  Dave Capello is quite a unique personality and there are experiences that he clearly had that contributed on the musical level.  For a few musicians in town it's known that if you want to get a boost into the unknown with a project, and prevent the threat of staleness, then Dave is the man to call...(if you aren't afraid of the reactions of many, both musicians and audiences, who can't recognize more naked kinds of beauty in music.)

Dave Capello(dr.), Helen Gillet(cello), my Chip Wilson custom 7-string guitar(r)Part 1 up on the interviews page now.


"All poetry comes into being in respect to its sounds, tormented into perfection or near-perfection by the logical and prosaic resistance of language in response to the disturbance of occasion."- Mary Kinzie from A Poet's Guide to Poetry

It could just as easily be about music with a couple of noun re-arrangements.